Please contact us if you would like a place for September 2025

If you have any questions, please get in touch
To maintain our high standards we have implemented numerous policies that ensure your children are safe during their time with us. We have uploaded the main policies for you to read; however if you are concerned with any of the policies or cannot see the one you need, please contact us so we can put your mind at ease.

No Grapes, No Sausages, No nuts
Immediate Effect
There has been many cases in the press over the years of children choking on grapes and more recently, (November 2020) news of a child fatally choking after eating a piece of sausage.
To eliminate the risk, we are now banning all grapes, sausages and nuts being brought into our setting for snacks, lunches etc. with immediate effect.
Child Protection1.1 Children's rights & entitlements 1.2 Safeguarding children, young people & vulnerable adults 1.2a Whistleblowing 1.3 Looked after children 1.4 Uncollected child 1.5 Missing child 1.6 Online safety & Electrical Devices 1.7 Separated Parents
Employment / Recruitment2.1 Safer recruitment 2.2 Student placements
Staff Qualifications, Training, Support & Skills"3.1 Induction of employees & volunteers 3.2 First Aid
Key Person4.1 The role of the key person and settling in
Staff: Child Ratios5.1 Staffing Ratios
Health6.1 Administering Medicines 6.1.2 First Aid Policy 6.2 Managing children who are sick, infectious or with allergies 6.2.1 Scarlet Fever & Invasive Group A Strep (iGAS) 6.3 Recording and reporting of accidents and incidents 6.4 Nappy changing 6.5 Food and drink 6.5.3 Allergy Awareness Policy 6.5.1 Food & drink policy for packed lunch from home 6.5.2 Celebration Policy 6.6 Food hygiene 6.9 Mental health and well-being (Children) 6.10 Mental health and well-being (Staff) 6.11 Living with Covid-19 6.12 Safer Sleep Policy 6.13 Sun care Policy
Managing Behaviour7.1 Promoting positive behaviour
Safety & Suitability of Premises, Environment & Equipment"8.1 Health and safety general standards 8.2 Maintaining children's safety and security on premises 8.3 Supervision of children on outings and visits 8.3.1 Manual Handling Policy 8.4 Risk assessment 8.5 Fire safety and emergency evacuation 8.6 Animals in the setting 8.7 No smoking or vaping Policy 8.10 Staff personal safety including home visits 8.11 Emergency Closure 8.12 Lockdown Policy 8.13 Environmental Policy
Equal Opportunities9.1 Valuing diversity and promoting inclusion and equality 9.2 Supporting children with special education needs and disabilities 9.5 British Values 9.6 Refugee & Asylum Seeker support policy
Information & Records10.1 Early Years prospectus for parents of Bizzy Bees Pre-School CIO 10.2 Admissions 10.3 Child Application Form to join 10.4 Child Registration Form 10.5 Parental involvement 10.6 Child's records 10.7 Provider records 10.8 Transfer of records to school 10.9 Confidentiality and client access to records 10.10 Information sharing 10.11 Working in partnership with other agencies 10.12 Complaints Procedure 10.13 Childcare terms and conditions 10.15 Fees policy 10.16 2 Year Old's
Committee Policies11.1 Facebook rules and regulations 11.2 Conflict of interest 11.3 Reserves Policy 11.4 Trustee register of interests 11.6 Staff Pay 11.7 Anti Bribery Policy
Staff Management Policies12.1 Disciplinary procedures 12.2 Grievance procedures 12.3 Sickness and absence policy and procedures 12.4 Staff code of conduct 12.5 Visitors 12.6 Individual health plan (Staff) 12.7 Flexible Working Request Policy
GDPR / Privacy / Freedom of Information13.1 Privacy Policy 13.2 Privacy Notice 13.3 Freedom of Information Policy